Monday, October 29, 2001
Korean Basics 1
The following Korean words and phrases are spelled in the standard alphabet, followed by a phonetic spelling. Hello/Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening/How are you? Annyeonghaseyo? Ahn yawng hah seh yoh? Hello (Answering telephone, Getting someone's attention) Yeoboseyo? Yaw boh seh yoh? Goodbye (Say to someone leaving) Annyeonghi kaseyo. Ahn yawng hee kah seh yoh. Goodbye (Say when you are leaving) Annyeonghi kyeseyo. Ahn yawng hee kyeh seh yoh. Nice to meet you. Manna boeeo ban gapseumnida. Mahna beh bahn gahp sum nee dah. Thank you. Kamsahamnida. Kam sahm nee da. You're welcome. Cheonmaneyo. Chawn mahn neh yoh. Yes. Ye/Ne. Yeh/Neh. No. Aniyo. Ah nee yoh. Numbers 0 yawng 1 eel 2 ee 3 sahm 4 sah 5 oh 6 yook 7 cheel 8 pahl 9 goo 10 sheep 11 sheep eel 20 ee sheep 100 baek 200 ee baek 1000 chun 10,000 mahn 20,000 ee mahn 100,000 sheemmahn 1,000,000 baekmahn Transportation Bus baw suh Airport Gong Hang Train Gee Cha Subway Station Jeehawchawl Yawk Taxi Taek Shee Miscellaneous Please Bu tahk hab nee da Refund Hwan Bool Toilet Hwah jahng sheel Emergency Phrases Call the police! Gyungchal boolla jusehyoh! Fire! Booleeyaah! Help me! Dowa juseyo! Water please! Mool jusehyoh! |
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