Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Ta jia hao! I'm back, after some hibernation for months. Anyway, I'll be blogging again, and will try to find a good web hosting deal with some of my friends and be active again in the blogosphere. I've been really really lazy to do stuffs at this page and all.So I just watched Easy A (credits to Bibar for downloading the movie). It's about a girl who lied about her virginity and was later labeled as a slut who sleeps around town while boys pay her stuffs like a gift certificate from Amazon, or Home Depot and sort so they could tell everybody they slept with her. Lesson? Lying is bad and one small lie can grow into a bigger one and it would be harder for you to straighten things out again. Believe me, it's true. It's hard to get out from the business unless you have that really really big courage to go out and tell everyone that you've been lying to them. I know. *wink Enough of that. Now, I'm gonna update you with my studies. Ohhh, third year in college, just one year and I'm off the hook. I can't wait to graduate, but at the same time, afraid to leave the halls of the school. Lately, I've been really tired and have been doing stuffs for my subjects. Like, photo repairs, web designing, software engineering thesis, ya know, get it? I'm enjoying though. I like helping my classmates and I like typing and designing pages. I love learning html and everything about photoshop. Like, I've been using Photoshop since I was in 2nd year high school and before, I only got 7.0 and now, I have CS5. Hurrah! See how much it progressed? It just keeps getting better! And I've been fascinated with websites since I was in third year high school. It all started with Friendster when you had to tweak your page and be one step ahead from your friends. That's the time I learned CSS, html and how to convert those codes into embeds and all. And then I went onto blogger, then wordpress (I got my own domain before) and tumblr. Tumblr is awesome. It works like blogger and wordpress morphed into one. Anyhow, I can't wait to finally learn all these html things and start doing my own theme/template/page design. I wonder if we're going to use FTP for the files? It was a lot easier. Example of what we are doing this sem: Before It's a little crappy and messy, but I think I made it a lot better somehow. Lmao. That's all. Good night. :) Labels: burn, easy a, movie, photo, rants, sem, subject |
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